

Website Design & Management

Your website IS your company to your online audience. Does it look and act as it should? Does it lay out correctly on mobile devices? Is it providing a good return on your investment? Or should we talk?

Website Design Services:

  • Identify best-practices in your competitive landscape
  • Develop website/blog design, structure & content
  • Optimize & deploy website/blog for delivery on all device sizes, search engine ranking and ongoing management

Search Engine Optimization

The most beautiful, information packed and functionally whiz-bang website does nothing for a business if no one sees it. Through proven search engine optimization practices, I can help raise your ranking in search engine results, thereby increasing the likelihood that more people looking for what you’re offering will find your site.

SEO Services:

  • Identify best keywords (words/phrases used to search for the services you offer on the internet) to increase website traffic
  • Optimize site to reflect keywords via rewriting to include keywords in existing content, adding content to focus in on specific, high potential keywords
  • Refocus keyword list and maintain optimization based on latest site rankings and search engine keyword results/stats/info

Blog Management

Nowadays, an active blog is an essential element of any firm’s marketing efforts. Blogging is a great way to provide useful information, news and information on promotions and events to your current and potential clients. By maintaining an active online presence and regularly adding blog posts to your website, you develop a website that search engines LOVE. Done right, blogging can bring you a steady flow of new leads and generate a positive return on your investment.

Blog Management Services:

  • Set-up/optimize new or existing blog
  • Source topics for articles based on current news/research trends and competitor/client interests/info
  • Write/edit blog posts (can be as little as posting/sharing your articles, or rewriting/editing content you provide, or as much as managing the entire process for you: sourcing topics, writing articles and posting/sharing articles
  • Manage blog article topic and posting schedule

Social Media Engagement

Your Facebook updates, LinkedIn posts, Tweets and email newsletters all help build your brand, increase your sales pipeline and make you top-of-mind when what you’ve got is what they want. So what you’re doing or not doing online either helps or hurts your brand. Make it your own.

Social Media Services:

  • Set up, brand social media (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc.) pages
  • Develop topics, material and schedule for ongoing content (articles, images, events, special offers)
  • Manage ongoing content posting schedule

Email Newsletter Marketing

Do you have an email marketing strategy for keeping in touch with your customers? To stay top-of-mind and nurture those relationships you worked so hard to get in the first place? If your answer isn’t “Yes, at least once a month I…” you’re ignoring your most valuable asset, your customers. You can send out mailings or call each one individually. But you should also consider using the method that consistently outperforms other marketing channels: Email Marketing. More …

Newsletter Marketing Services:

  • Set up newsletter service and graphic format
  • Develop systems for building existing email/mailing list
  • Develop articles and other content
  • Manage newsletter delivery and engagement (opens, new sign-ups, opt-outs & contacts)